Dealing with Remote Work Burnout

Three years ago, remote work was akin to mythical creatures like bigfoot or mermaids. Well, I exaggerate 😅🙈, but it was definitely something reserved for places like the tech industry or your TV screen.

Fast-forward to 2022 remote work is a part of everyone’s lexicon with numerous employees enganging in it. However, employee burnout has risen in tandem with it.

Find out how to effectively manage remote work burnout in my latest article on Continue reading Dealing with Remote Work Burnout

Emotional Labour: Managing your Emotions for a Wage

What happens when you feel so sad at work that you want to cry, yet you don’t? Or you are verbally abused by a client, get angry but still smile and listen? Or you find something outrageously funny during a stakeholder meeting but stifle your laughter to maintain the expected decorum? It’s all emotional labour! Find out about this super power you possess in my latest article! Continue reading Emotional Labour: Managing your Emotions for a Wage

We Speak HR: Glass Ceilings, The Impostor Syndrome & Everything in Between

‘Burnt out, overwhelmed and out of alignment.’ That, was my narrative when I approached the 5 amazing women featured in this article. Like the old adage goes ‘it takes a village’ and my goals & ambitions were my proverbial child. Thus I went to my ‘village’ and they did not disappoint, they never do. This is what I came back with. Continue reading We Speak HR: Glass Ceilings, The Impostor Syndrome & Everything in Between

The That, How & Why of Performance Management

Meet Mubanga, Mubanga has theoretical knowledge about sales and is excited to do her job, but she doesn’t know how to handle difficult clients. Also Meet Choolwe. Choolwe has theoretical knowledge about sales and he knows how to apply it, clients always feel comfortable around him unlike Mubanga. But Choolwe is perpetually late and sometimes takes naps in the break room. Should we be managing their performance in the same way? Continue reading The That, How & Why of Performance Management

Social Media Screening for Recruitment: Yay or Nay?

I’m assuming you have Facebook account and you have probably noticed the memories notifications, where Facebook feels the need to remind you about all the things you have posted on that date throughout the years. If you’re anything like me half of those posts make you cringe, laugh or wonder about your own state of mind. However, what is of concern is that recruiters are … Continue reading Social Media Screening for Recruitment: Yay or Nay?